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Model EU at UF

Model EU

Are you interested in the European Union? Are you a UF undergraduate student? Participate in next year’s Model EU conference where you can experience EU governance first hand!

The 2016 Annual Florida Model European Union Conference was hosted by the Global Studies Group (GSG) at UF in partnership with the EU Club, the Center for European Studies and The Jean Monnet Center for Excellence.

The University Global Studies Group (GSG) is a student-run organization working to empower students and equip them with the skills needed to thrive in a globalized society. GSG hosts student- and faculty-run seminars designed to inform students of professional development opportunities at home and abroad, encourages and facilitates service projects for its members, organizes discussions on working and studying abroad and debates global policy issues.

In addition to Model EU, GSG also represented UF in Florida’s first Regional Model Arab League and has released its first edition of the student-run journal Global Perspectives. You can find the current edition of Global Perspectives here: